My name is Cooper and I was born September 8th, 2007.  I live on Long Island with my mom and dad and my older sister Camryn and my older brother Colby.  No, I don’t know what’s up with the “C”s – for that you’ll have to ask my parents.

I was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta or brittle bone disease.  It means that my bones can break very easily from little or no apparent cause.  So far (as of 4/8 at least) I’ve broken 6 bones.  There is no cure for OI but I am getting a pamidronate treatment once every 8 weeks.  It’s an experimental treatment that should help to strengthen my bones and reduce the number of breaks.

I started this blog so I could share my story with everyone, especially others who may have this disease and most especially with the parents of other children with OI.  In spite of my condition I’m a very happy kid.  I’ve started playing with my toes and I can roll over (so far without breaking anything).